Squarespace vs. Wix: 6 Differences To Know

We have been seeing a lot of website builder comparisons lately, especially between Squarespace vs. Wix. After watching this awesome break down between the two platforms, we decided to write our own take of the two platforms.

Read on below to see our comparisons and our best pick between Squarespace vs. Wix. Even though, you might already have guessed our favorite ; )

The Editors

Squarespace allows you to drag content elements, but there is a limit on where exactly that you can drag said element. However on Wix, it is a blank canvas where you can drag your element anywhere that you would like to place it. The problem with this feature is that it can often be tedious to fix elements such as text boxes because Wix doesn’t automatically correct spacing issues that Squarespace’s builder does.

Winner: Squarespace


Squarespace has pretty robust element options such as their restaurant menu editor and their image cropper. Their restaurant menu editor allows anyone to simply input their menu data and have it organized in a beautiful efficient way that is easily readable online. Also, their image cropper allows the user to move the focal point of the image so if you crop your image into a square, then you can drag exactly where you want the focus of your image to be, instead of it being cut off.

Wix has a huge selection of elements, and it could overwhelm you. Some of their elements feel unintuitive and makes it difficult to get a handle of it. However, they have so many options that it gives you the freedom to fully customize the look and feel of your website, which Squarespace does not have.

Winner: Wix


Squarespace is super transparent about pricing, which Wix fails to do that. For both there are strong incentives to choose annual plans especially if you plan on having your website for the long-run because you will end up saving some money.

Winner: Squarespace


Themes are a good example of the difference between Squarespace and Wix. Squarespace provides a curated set of around 70 themes with a definite look and feel. Wix offers 288 themes which gives more variety and quality and a huge range of flexibility.

Squarespace’s advantage is that their themes are super clean and modern and really showcase photos well. You won’t find any corny themes here. Their design tool is also really intuitive and allows the user to quickly edit their website to match their branding and feel.

With Wix, you can’t change your template without losing all of your content. That is one major disadvantage especially if you are half-way into building your website and realize another theme works better for your brand. However, the really great thing about Wix is that you can customize your theme to the point of building your own which allows your brand to stray away from the templated look. But with this, setting a consistent style to your website is a pain. It usually involves tedious back and forth changes on various pages to get your website a cohesive look and feel.

Winner: Squarespace


Squarespace has the best blogging abilities of any website builder. If you are looking to build a blog, just use Squarespace. To be honest, it is not that Wix has bad blogging features, but Squarespace just offers so many more features for a blogger such as post tagging, url changing, flexibility in design and so much more.

Winner: Squarespace


Squarespace has the best e-commerce component when compared to Wix. There are a long list of features such as digital products, customizable email receipts, checkout customization, taxes, customer accounts, gift cards, and the list goes on.

Beyond just the features, the best thing about their e-commerce feature is how intuitive it is to setup and design using Squarespace’s style editor.

Wix also has good features, however, their platform isn’t just as robust as Squarespaces.

If you are going to use a website builder for your e-commerce store, then use Squarespace. However, if your whole website is about e-commerce, then you might want to consider using Shopify. Shopify by far is the best and most robust e-commerce platform out there in terms of customizability and user experience.

Winner: Squarespace


Overall, we are a little biased here so we recommend using Squarespace over Wix, however you won’t be disappointed using either platform. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, just by knowing these before you select your platform will ensure a successful website launch!


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